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- Document 3254
- DOCN M94A3254
- TI Increased degradation of newly synthetized proteins in T-lymphocytes
- from HIV+ asymptomatic individuals.
- DT 9412
- AU Piedimonte G; Silvotti L; Montroni M; Silvestri G; Guetard D; Montagnier
- L; University of Parme, Italy.
- SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):118 (abstract no. PA0092). Unique
- Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94369321
- AB OBJECTIVE: Among early functional T-cell defects occuring after HIV
- infection, the reduction of IL-2 production and the reduced expression
- of surface molecules strongly suggest abnormalities at some stage of the
- cellular protein synthetic process. The aim of this work was to define
- the mechanism(s) involved in these alterations. METHODS: Experimental
- design adopted included: (i) measures of initial rates of protein
- synthesis and half life of newly synthetized proteins; (ii) evaluation
- of intracellular location and level of activity of enzymes specifically
- involved in proteolysis and protein-break down; (iii) analysis of
- structural modifications, especially oxidative denaturation of cellular
- proteins. Experiments have been carried out in T-lymphocytes from normal
- (48 individuals) and HIV+ asymptomatic (59 individuals) men in different
- phases of cell cycle, upon mitogenic stimulation. RESULTS: 1) The half
- life of newly synthetized lymphocyte proteins strongly decreases in HIV+
- asymptomatic individuals. Mean values are of 16 hr versus 59 hr
- recovered in normal individuals; 2) Patterns of subcellular distribution
- and activity of proteolytic enzymes are almost superimposable in normal
- and HIV+ T-cells: 3) Levels of activity of superoxide dismutase
- significatively decrease and superoxide anions production increase in
- activated HIV+ T-cells. CONCLUSIONS: Protein degradation is correlated
- with oxidative stress. In our system, mitogenic stimulation induces an
- increase of protein degradation parallel to the increases production of
- O2 anions. The lack of SOD induction and the unchanged distribution and
- activity of proteolytic enzymes suggest that accelerated protein
- degradation in HIV+ T-cells is the result of oxidative modifications of
- cell proteins rather than the consequence of protease activation.
- DE Half-Life Human HIV Seropositivity/IMMUNOLOGY/*METABOLISM In Vitro
- Interleukin-2/BIOSYNTHESIS Lymphocyte Transformation Male
- Oxidation-Reduction Protein Denaturation
- Superoxide Dismutase/METABOLISM Superoxides/METABOLISM
- SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be
- protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).